Friday, June 8, 2007

Secret Crush

Ok, thought I'd add some more spice to the blogs. I love what you guys have been posting and especially have enjoyed the yearbook one. Who in our class did you have a "secret crush" on? You know, that person you may have just flirted with occasionally, but never did anything about. Someone you thought was cute, but never asked out or dated. C'mon, fess up! I guess since I started this I should give up one of mine...Mike Dawley. He always had a great smile and I think he was in one of my classes!
See you all soon,

Korey (Garvey) Capizzi


Jay Tando said...

Who DIDN'T I have a crush on?

I must have flirted with virtually every girl in our class at some point or another.

Of course I had absolutely no idea WHAT I was doing- or HOW to do it.

I still don't...



Mellaney M said...

I agree with Jay, I can't remember who I didn't have a crush on! And after talking to some of the other gals, most had a crush on Brian Fisher - musicians rock!

I wouldn't call this a 'secret crush' but I've always "loved" Sean Eagon - all the way back to the 7th grade. One of my most favorite people. I still have some pink roses that he gave me for my 13th bday pressed in a book...

Brian fischer said...

how funny, my self esteem was lacking, I didn't think anyone found me attractive. I was always trying so hard to be different, how ironic.

Stephanie said...

I just talked to Sean Eagon yesterday and he said that he had run into Dave Basic and Steve Gallando ('86) at the Police. I asked if he saw Mellaney because she was there too. He said "No, I'm still pretty tall, and I think she's shrinking. Unless I stepped on her I wouldn't have noticed her." So Mell watch out for tall oblivious guys.
I don't know if you'll get many people to admit their secret crushes. We have a lot of shy people in our class. Since Shy is my second to last name, I will share this.
There actually was a guy in our class that I had such a huge crush on that I was afraid to talk to him. He was so out of my league that I couldn't even joke about it. On the last day of school, I worked up the nerve to talk to him, since I knew that I would never see him again. I told him that he was the coolest person I had ever met.
I wonder if Brian Fischer remembers that?

Brian fischer said...

LOL! REALLY? There was not a snowballs chance in hell I would have caught the vibe, Not to mention I was probably stoned out of my mind. I know the last couple days were a bit hazy back then in my beginning stages of being a weed head for the next decade afterwards. Man if I couid have all the money back I wasted on green I could buy a really nice boat that'd take me for 1o times the ride that smoking a bowl ever gave me. oh well, live and learn right?

Brian fischer said...

I was so oblivious, just stuck in my own private idaho.........not to mention.........if I was in any league it would have likely been the league of idiots cause apparently there is much I did not get....

koreygarvey said...

Jay, you're not getting off that easy-spill it. Give us just one name!

Brian, check you out! It might have given me a complex knowing all those women were hot after you!! Actually, I loved that about you, you were so sweet and definitely not conceited.


Anonymous said...

I suppose crushes for the most part are limited to the female persuasion...I thought alot of the girls in our class could be considered cute.......but I really couldn't say they were in the "crush " category...Maybe too much time in band ,doing art, and wrenching on hot rods kept me busy........

Unknown said...

My crushes were mostly on guys not in our class. I had a HUGE one on a guy at Mt Rainier that I knew from church.

Stephanie said...

We still have some really high quality, available, guys in the class. You could start a new "adult" crush and then tell us about it at the next reunion.

Unknown said...

Yes, I could do that. :)

Anessa (Barker) Pryor said...

Good thing we're all grown ups or this thread could be positively AWKWARD for us at the reunion.

Okay, Sean Eagon is a given. A total sweetheart who didn't love him ya know? However, the winner of my "Long Lasting Crush" (since 4th grade) goes to Jeff Jacobson. Does that sound stalkerish? :)

Jason W. said...

Is that rhetorical?

TEF said...

I had a huge crush on David Harrison - while he was dating my good friend Kimi! In fact, I think I may have had something to do with getting them together. How twisted is that?

TEF said...

Oh - and Chris Frary. I "love" Chris (like Mel Loves Sean). I always wondered what would have happened if I hadn't been too chicken to go to Homecoming with him Freshman year (I was a freshman, freshman can't go to dances!)

Chris, where are you? I've left messages for every listed Chris Frary in the Seattle Metro area. And I even have Steph helping iN the search! You were my one regret from the 10-year. I should have worked harder to find you years ago. Please forgive me!

Mellaney M said...

Can you spell "S-T-A-L-K-E-R"?


Mellaney M said...

I run into Chris once in a while, he's got a beautiful wife and family - He always reminded me of Patrick Dempsey in 'Can't Buy Me Love' - sweet, geeky, awkward boy - then he grew up into the 'Grey's Anatomy' version...

John Springer said...

When you are best friends with Sean Eagon, it really doesn't matter who you have a crush on. There were always girls around to talk to but not many interested in the little curly headed guy next to the tall, dark and funny hawaiian. I had secret crushes on Krista Hazelgrove and Michelle Hosterman. I remember being in Sister Judith's class and getting up the nerve to ask Michelle to Homecoming. I approached her with knocking knees and cracking voice ( most likely from fear but possibly puberty) and asked if she had been asked to the dance yet. She said no and I then proceeded to use the wrong choice of words in to ask her by saying, "Do you want to go?" I forgot to add the "with me" at the end and she replied, "Sure, if someone would ask me." That was all I needed to hear, took it as a no, and walked off. I never was very courageous in the asking someone out dept after that. Fortunatly, Patti Skoda appeared junior year and that pretty much took care of the rest of dances.

Mellaney M said...

Ah, John :) You do realize the sweet shy ones always win out in the end...

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did love Sean Eagon from Kindergarden until about 4th grade. But I must admit that in the years after high school, I often wondered what John Springer was up to.... =)

jennifer (bell) pelley

TEF said...

Hey Korey, for 10 bucks I will tell you one of Jay's secret crushes. Jay, for $15 I will keep my trap shut. Should I post it on ebay so you can duke it out?

Louie Parent said...

Speaking of Sean Eagon... why hasn't he RSVPd yet??? He was a great friend and need to reconnect. WHERE ARE YOU, SEAN???

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should send Terrana after him. He seems to have a way of making people turn up.

Louie Parent said...

and speaking of Terrana... did any one notice he is not listed alphabetically in the yearbook? he was next to the wrong alphabet buddies.

Anonymous said...

I would like to request some intro music when i post. That way people can hear me coming! I would like the JAWS soundtrack please!

Start soundtrack NOW.........

Anonymous said...

Hey! Did somebody say my name?

Need some dirty deeds done dirt cheap! I'm on it!

Louie you are correct! E comes before H(I think!!). I get no respect! Try finding me in our Freshman yearbook! They didn't put me in it! Hmmmmmm......maybe they were sending me a message!

Stephanie said...

I also wanted Tyler for his perfect teeth. (Shut up Toni – it’s a perfectly legitimate fetish. Why do you think I liked Doug?)

koreygarvey said...

Toni, Sure I'm good for the 10. Since Jay won't step up give us a name! What is up with some of the guys thinking crushes are just for girls?! John Springer you rock for sharing a few of yours-maybe some more guys can join in on the fun.
Mark, Are you for hire to hunt some of our classmates who still aren't RSVP'ing?? I married an Italian and I know you all can be very convincing and that there may be a set of cement boots or extra horse head laying around somewhere!!!

TEF said...

Sorry Korey - Jay's secret crush offered me double anything you would pay NOT to spill. But I get real talky after a few drinks, so let's have a toast in August! (snicker)

I wish Jay had a secret crush on me. I'd make him tell everyone. Wait, I wouldn't know 'cause it'd be secret. Damn.

Unknown said...

Well since they are "secret", we can all just pretend we are on the list....

Stephanie said...

I have a new top-secret crush on Mike & Mark