Thursday, February 15, 2007

Save the Dates!

August 4th & 5th

Saturday - Club Hollywood/Red Crane -Dinner, Cocktails & music -Bring a guest!

Sunday - Family Picnic - Lincoln Park, Shelter #5 (near the wading pool) We have 10 tables reserved (and confirmed!) including the shelter. We also have Baseball field #1. Stay tuned for details about the Softball game.

Click the picture for a map of the park.

Note that this is also the same weekend as Seafair.

Keep checking this posting for updates!!!


Unknown said...

So, is Lincoln Park finalized for the family picnic?

Mellaney M said...

Ando -

Yes, we have confirmed reservations from the Seattle Parks Dept for the Shelter, tables and Baseball field.

Ps - I don't recognize the nickname? Sorry, who are you?


Unknown said...

Renando Del Donno,"Ando" is my filipino nickname, I guess.

Unknown said...

BTW, changed my "nickname" again. It is now "Rene", confused yet?

Mellaney M said...

Yes! Now I can put a face to the name - I know you are - I should since we only had 10 flips in our class;-) I'm glad the postcard found you. Be sure to email Toni with your current address info!

Hope to see you at the reunion!