Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Friends We Never Had..........

As time has flown by, as each year has brought me new epiphonies and greater enlightenment, throughout the trials we have all faced in our personal lives since we have all gone our seperate ways, both happiness and tragedy that has helped to shape us into who we are today, I want to speak to those of you who might be checking this site out of curiousity but may have no intention of coming to the reunion for whatever reason. With hindsight being 20/20, I now understand the depths of my ignorance from back in the day, albeit was wonderfully bliss at the time, no less......was still my achilles heel that blinded my way. There were many of you who I secretly had wished to be friends with but instead I chose to hold your popularity or lack thereof against you as it was so much easier to write off my shortcomings and insecurities and tax it to your bill so to speak. I used to think of people in clicks and social circles to my detriment. When I went to the 10 year reunion, to my shock and surprise, I was having amazingly deep(er) conversations with some of you I'd never given the time of day to in my wildest dreams, nor did it seem that you would either for me........ or atleast I had always mistakenly thought. It was great to meet some of you truly for the first time in 97'. For those I have not really met yet, I just want to say I am sorry, I was wrong, I regret that I did not, cause I am sure you were more amazing than I ever knew. I hope you rethink things and decide to come after all, I am sure there is much I could learn from you, I am sorry I never did. For all the good times we never had, the memories I can' t say we shared, I just want the chance to finally meet you, it's been far too long overdue.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Very powerfully and well said. You have spoken for many of us. I'll see you there! :)

Stephanie said...

I didn't know Toni Eaves in school. I knew who she was but never had a reason to talk to her. I met her as Toni Fielder when we started planning this reunion and I have to say, she's now one of my favorite people.

Anonymous said...

Yes very well written. I'll be there of course. :)

And I agree with Steph. In HS I didn't hang out with the folks on the reunion committee (and didn't really know them at all) but they are all the greatest. Of course, I'm a bit different now (can we say a bit more outspoken?) from who I was in HS.

Anonymous said...

Brian, what an amazing statement! You have described what all of us have felt not only in High School but also through life!

I look forward to seeing everyone!

Jay Tando said...

Brian Fischer?

who the heck are you?

yeah don't try to talk to me at the reuninion




Jay Tando

Anonymous said...

That was wonderfully said. I've gotten to know some folks now since this site went up in preparation for the reunion that I didn't have the chance to at JFK. Maybe it's best this way. Maturity gives us a perspective that a 17 year old doesn't have. Different things matter more now.

And by the way, you can talk to me if Jay is going to be snobby! :)

Looking for you all in August!


Anonymous said...


As someone who was NOT a part of the "in crowd," I can say with complete sincerity that you were never unkind to me or standoffish. You have always been the sweet guy who just wrote such a touching letter.

Thank you!

Jackie (Fox) Knox said...

I have been hiding in the woodwork and have finally decided to join the party.

Brian - well put. I am now actually looking forward to meeting some new friends and refreshing some friendships from school.

I look forward to continued great reading - thanks for the entertainment and touching words from all.

Scott said...

Hmmm Brian, I have this really strange memmory of a party at your house one night and I managed to get a ride from you place to kent and then had to hitchhike to covington and I had forgotten that I was supposed to run a 10k race that day...what a way to cure a hangover. I really look foward to seeing you at the reunion!! as far as the reunion committee....I have called all of the members of that group a friend at one time or another so this is another plus for me!

TEF said...

I just found this post! Hard to keep up with all of this activity. I think I have told everyone how much I love Stephanie, she is a total crack up and one of my favorite people now.

But this is funny - I said at one point "Steph, I feel like I missed out not knowing you in HS" She says "don't worry, I wouldn't have talked to you anyway". And it made me love her more!

I have met a great many of you and by the time we get to the reunion I will feel like I have known you forever. It's going to be great fun in August!