In light of yesterday's tragedy, I'd like to first convey how truly sorry I feel for the families and friends of those who were killed. As a parent I am sickened by the senseless acts that transpired and cannot imagine the heavy hearts in desperate need of healing. I pray for their comfort as they search for answers.
This brings me to what I believe to be one of the most imortant things in my life. My faith. My faith in God, in myself, my family, and in mankind. Like many of you, it has essentially shaped both who I am and what I strive to become. Faith can bring us together, and yet ironically can also tear us apart. That being said, where would we be without it?
Faith can bring hope, comfort, happiness, healing, and so much more if we allow it. My faith rocks me to the core and at times gently warms me like the sun on my face. My children will witness my faith and hopefully pass it on to their children. This in turn I hope, will make them not only better people, but also more equipped to help heal our fragile world.
Live life. Love deeply. Follow your dreams. Most of all, have faith.
Hope to see you all at the reunion!
Korey (Garvey) Capizzi