Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
You're Invited
Where? Parlor Billiards http://parlorbilliards.com/ in Bellevue.
700 Bellevue Way, 3rd Floor
When? Saturday November 17th @ 8:00 PM
There are actually many November birthdays in our class, so if you're one of them, we'll buy you a drink too.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Last weekend I had a completely surreal experience.
Once when I was about 12 years old, we were at my Grandma Vlach’s house. Everyone was teasing me with the normal “The milkman’s your real father” “Maybe it was the mailman.” And it wasn’t just the kids, sister and cousins, the adults were doing it too. When my Grandma came into the room and heard them she got really mad. Over reaction mad. She started yelling at everyone for making fun of me. She yelled, “She is Not the milkman’s kid, she looks just like my sister Hazel!”
It never actually bothered me to be teased, so I thought that Grandma was going a bit overboard because she yelled at everyone for a couple of minutes. Then my uncle Larry agreed that I looked like Hazel and not only that but took after her personality wise too. Then he told me that in our family back in Wisconsin, every family has at least one red-head in every generation. Well, my Grandma was the oldest of 11 kids, and my Grandpa was the middle of 12 kids, so my Dad and his brothers have 106 first cousins. In contrast, my Mom is an only child and my Dad has two brothers and one sister, I have 5 cousins. I know all of my cousins. My Dad does not know most of his.
So, last weekend my uncle Larry turned 60 along with 2 of his cousins who have also moved out west. So there was a birthday party. The only people that I knew at the party were my Dad and sister, my uncle Larry and aunt Karen. All of the rest were complete strangers to me and all of them looked EXACTLY like me! (Well, except for the ones who had married into the family, there were a few of those.) It was so bizarre! A whole room full of people with red hair and brown eyes. Not only that but my nose and cheeks too! And I finally met my great-aunt Hazel; she’s 85 years old. I was talking to her and she said, “You kind of remind me of myself.” I said,
Here's Hazel, Me, my kids Rachael & Rebecca, my sister Gwen, and her daughter Sydney.
Friday, September 21, 2007
5 Minute Rule
But, who is married to whom from HS?
I figured out the Nani/Mark T connection. After that I'm stumped.
Thursday, September 20, 2007

I should have gone to the reunion to remember where I came from. I should have gone to know and learn about those people whose paths were either the same or vastly different from mine. I should have gone to remember those trails originated from the same ground 20 years ago. When I was at OCS, getting crushed by Marines, I kept in my mind that I would honor my family and never forget what got me there or where I came from. But, August 2007 rolled past and I literally put a mountain between me and my memories. There's something I'll have to live with for the next 5 years.
I've had 20 years to forget some of the bad thing about the beginning of senior year. However, I should have celebrated the other joys spent with those who got me through High School as a whole. Life is pretty darn good if you don't give up on it.
The "myevent" site is amazing. A flood of memories crashed down on me, but in a very good way. More like happiness for the people at the reunion and the past in general.

For 18 years of military life, it’s been drilled in me to accomplish the mission. I never failed a mission I was tasked with.
It is now my mission to be there and celebrate that quarter century milestone with you. I truly hope to see you there in 2012.
Take care. - Rome
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Get us those Pictures!
We need you reunion weekend pictures! Please spend some time in the next couple days to get them to us!
- Burn a dvd and send it to Toni (email for address)
- Put them into a zip file and use http://www.yousendit.com/ to send it to us
- Upload them to some other picture website that lets us download the original jpg files and email us the link.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A Note from Romadel...

LCDR Rome de las Alas, USNavy

Monday, September 10, 2007
The Wine Rack
The wine, the food, the music,
and friends made the evening an event to remember!!!
If you were here I hope you had as wonderful a time as we did. (I think at one point Tacoma took over the Rack)
We are so grateful for the support of our family and friends (new and old).
If you were unable to attend, we are sorry that you missed out!
The wines by Dusted Valley Vintners were well received. For those of you who missed out not to worry we are going to hold them over for another week.
Our next Grand Tasting event will be on October 6th Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information.
The Wine Rack
Tuesday-Thursday 11am-7pm
Friday-Saturday 11am-9pm
tasting's all day, $5.00
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The Wine Rack - Grand Opening! Sept 8th
Stop by today and enjoy a tasting or a glass from our selected wines
$5.00 pp
We also have a selection of specialty beers available
$5.00 and up
September 8th will be our Grand Opening!
The Grand Opening and the first Saturday of every month
accompanied by appetizers.
$10.00 pp
See you soon,
The Wine Rack
4435 A street SE Suite G
Auburn, Wa. 98002
Click Here for a Map
Friday, August 17, 2007
This Space is YOURS for FREE!
2 ways to get your stuff out there:
- Become a blogger and post pictures and info yourself. (send me a request to add you)
- Email me and I will add it to the blog.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Save the Date: Friday, August 8, 2008
The date is subject to change, but I will try to ensure we stick to it. As we get close to the event next year, I will send out details (location, time, etc.).
See you next year,
Doug Seven
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Videos copied for you
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Well step away from the cliff! Help is on the way!
As a former senior partner of Mike and Mark LLC I will be here to guide you through any issues or questions that you might have. There is no reason to let PRS (post reunion syndrome) get you down. Help is near! Let me complete you!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Keep In Touch
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Thank You!
(Sigh) Is it really over? What a weekend it has been. On behalf of the reunion committee I'd like to thank everyone that helped, blogged, sent in pictures and just plain showed up. You all have contributed in your own special way and made our reunion a huge success!
A big HUG & KISS to Toni & Stephanie - Without you this would not have been possible.
Stay tuned for a reunion recap- pictures and more info to come. Thank you for a lovely time. Travel home safely to your loved ones, take care and Godbless.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
The Main Event - Club Hollywood
Here's a taste of Saturday night at Club Hollywood. I'm apologizing now for any of the fuzzy pictures - someone should have taken the camera away from me after that last drink...
Friday, August 3, 2007
And it begins...
Alumns 'Only' at Sport
It's 2am and I just got home. Somewhere near the Space Needle there is still a group of reunioners terrorizing a late night eatery (Jinky & Nani, hope you got some food in you!) Ahhh, some things never change :)
Tonight was, as Hank W put it, "Surreal". Faces were familiar while a few took me a moment to recognize - gawd 20 years! Who woulda thunk? As the night wore on at Sport, friendships were renewed, many new ones were created. I regret that I didn't get a chance to talk to everyone but there's still 2 more days left in this weekend.
It was a great turnout! More than expected and happily received. I think Pete Heffernan was the first to show up. Jeff Jacobsen and I were talking about how nervous and anxious we felt about seeing everyone today - I've had butterflies in my stomach all day. I don't know what I was worried about - just excited to see everyone I guess. Many 'Thanks' to Michelle Chan for suggesting Sport and hooking us up! They pretty much had to kick us out of the place, no one wanted to leave! This along with Nick Jenkins' golfing event was an awesome way to kick off our reunion. I heard Melanie K was the only gal that golfed- way to go Mel - I think I need to learn how to play! (check out the golfing pictures in the album)
Did you know that the parking garage in the Fisher Plaza closes at 1am? Well Derek O didn't - I found him trying to get back in while Mike K, Jen B & Susan F were waiting inside. Luckily they found a security guard to let them out. How much was that ticket Derek? (lol)
So, if you're still on the fence about coming, you've still got Saturday night and the Sunday picnic. It's not too late! We'd love to see you!!!! Plus you don't want to miss out on Norm Cheuk or Joel Aro bustin' a move (or bustin' a hip)...
ps. JJ - lovvvved your boots! but Sean's $10 boots rocked!
pss. Sorry I'm in every other picture (blame it on Anne-Marie)! If you have any pictures from Friday night you'd like to share please feel free to email me :)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Quotes from 80's movies
I'll use the top 3 or 5 in my slide show. Thanks for your help.
- Louie
Saturday, June 30, 2007
What Have you found in Storage???
I can't be the only one uncovering memories.... Share them with us! Post some photos, share some stories. If you can't post them yourself, send them to us and we will take care of it.
Now I need to ask the girls... Where do you think our dates went... twice?

Sunday, June 24, 2007
Catching Up
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Lights, camera... action!
Please send files to louloubox@mac.com
Please put Reunion Pics in the subject line so I don't think it's spam or it may accidentally go to my junk folder and I'll realize it's not junk.
Forever Young, Louie
Click here for a sample movie
Monday, June 18, 2007
Separated at Birth...

If they didn't have the same parents, maybe the same hair stylist?
Secret Agent Man...
Could Mike actually be working as a hitman for the CIA?

Could it be....
nah, they look nothing alike...
Doug Lemmon

At long last... brothers reunited :)
Check out what else Ken's been up to by going to the 'Crazy Things You've done' Album
Here's another celebrity look-alike:

Greg Martin and Jon Favreau
(hopeyoufindthehumorinitanddonttryandsuemeeithercuzlifeistooshortandyoushouldjustlaugh!kenwas notharmedinthemakingofthisblog.ken'spicturesarecourtesyofmikemccullough'sphotoshopskills)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Mike McCullough and Mark Terrana have teamed up and are ready to answer your questions!
Relationships? Life Issues?? Sexual Problems???
Combined we have over 72 years experience! No problem is too BIG or too SMALL!!!
This kind of knowledge would cost millions! But because we are still waiting for our certifications we will do it for free!
Lets hear from you.................
Saturday, June 9, 2007
The 10 Year offered a husband what can the 20 year offer...

Okay so I thought I would join in the fun with an amusing post. So I went to our 10 year reunion. I bellied up to the bar as soon as my feet hit the inside of the lovely Marriott hotel @ Sea Tac...oooh such a lovely venue that will always have a special place in my heart. The instant I made eye contact with the bar tender, sparks flew :) We both just smiled at each other because there was instant attraction...I just remember thinking "damn bartender is cuuuute". I only went back to him one more time that night and then he actually tried to talk to me later but I was kind of distracted by the event and catching up with old friends.
Well, 3 months pass and as luck would have it I ran into "the bartender from the 10 year" at Jalisco's after a Sonics game. I was well lets just say really really drunk...but I remembered him. His opening line was "didn't you just have a 10 year?". We talked a little...he was thinking he was scoring...then I asked if he could hook me up with his cute blond friend that I kept staring at while we were talking...I told you I was really really drunk. Lucky for me he didn't give up on me and asked me to go to the Apple Cup game the next morning...I didn't remember the invitation in the morning, luckily my roomate did and she reminded me of it. I did keep the date and ya know what...we haven't been apart since and we have been happily married for almost 7 years and have 2 children together :) I never knew that the love of my life would be bartending @ the Sea Tac Marriott (to meet "people" - it was a side gig he had since college) of all places!
I look forward to catching up with old friends I haven't seen or talked to in a long time and maybe even make new connections with people I barely knew in high school and I also look forward to introducing my husband that I met at the same event 10 years earlier.
P.S. I never take a good picture...I always have my eyes closed or a goofy look on my face and it is rare these days for JR & I to be photographed together (I'm always the one behind the camera, btw if you look closely I am actually the one taking the shot in the 2nd picture) anyway, these 2 are my favorites because it's just us :) Seriously, the only other good pics of us are from our wedding day.
Thanks for letting me share...Jinky Gutierrez Ruljancich
Friday, June 8, 2007
Secret Crush
See you all soon,
Korey (Garvey) Capizzi
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Music past and present
I have a pretty big catalogue of music to choose from so I might have your music. Although, if you're just dying to have a Megadeath song on there... I won't have that:)
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Who's Your Birthday Buddy?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Reach Out and Touch Someone...

Monday, June 4, 2007
Hey, were you a teacher in 1987?
Great! You're a Doctor! Would you mind looking at my rash?
So you're a VP.....Got any job openings?
My wife is out of town! How about dinner and breakfast!!
Hey, You still owe me beer money!
So...like after the reunion....could i crash on your couch?
Mark, this is a picture of my son. He's 20 and looks a lot like you! (kidding Nani)
No man! Teal corduroy pants are still cool!!
Ok, really! He never told you about me?
AND........Hey, I brought you those underwear you left a my house 20 years ago!
Ok, the rest is up to you! Please add to my list.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
I Have a New Alphabet Buddy.
Well now that I'm a Swanstrom instead of Vlach and he's a Seven instead of Lemmon, now were alphabet buddies. How cool is that? We've never been in an alphabetical list together as adults, so I didn't realize. I hope that Paul Sposare posts a picture next to mine.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
What Have You Seen?
As a child growing up, My Mom and Dad were two of the best people a child could have as parents. The sad truth was, my Mom was an alcoholic, but a great woman, with as much love for my brothers and I as a mother could have. My parents split up when I was in kindergarten when her disease finally came to a head in a drunk driving accident that nearly killed my brothers and I. My dad felt he had no choice but to protect us by breaking up the marriage. This led to a lifetime of parental separation, a long and difficult road growing up watching my Mom suffer through years of addiction, never quite able to put her life together for more than short periods of time but she never stopped trying. My Dad never gave up on her. He was always trying to do everything he could to help her. She was always doing her best to beat her addiction, cause she always wanted so badly to be together with us again. For 28 years since they split up, I had always suffered silently the pain of their separation, always wanting to see them together to no avail.
Six years ago, after a good fight and a final three straight years of sobriety, my Mom died of lung cancer. In the final year of her life while she was battling it, my Dad would drive up from Olympia 3 days a week to take her to her appointments. As things were seemingly getting better health-wise for her, their true love for eachother had finally found it's way back to them. To make a long story short, her remission was short lived. I was summoned to the hospital where she lay in her final hours of life. I walked in the room to see my Dad, brothers and their extended family in a semi circle around her bed holding hands together. I joined in the circle with them. As it became quiet in the room, my Dad spoke softly, and in a broken voice, told me that... the night before, as my Mom was still conscious, they called in a priest, who renewed their marriage vows in a simple ceremony. In the end, My Mom died, married to my father, It was all I ever wanted. In twenty eight years of being apart, my Dad never dated another women even once, she was always his love. UNREAL! But life is what happens when you are making other plans.
This is why I would love to hear your amazing story, funny, inspiring or rediculous, does not matter. That's what life is all about.... I hope mine brought you something too.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Do you really want to hurt me?
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
"The One Thing"
This brings me to what I believe to be one of the most imortant things in my life. My faith. My faith in God, in myself, my family, and in mankind. Like many of you, it has essentially shaped both who I am and what I strive to become. Faith can bring us together, and yet ironically can also tear us apart. That being said, where would we be without it?
Faith can bring hope, comfort, happiness, healing, and so much more if we allow it. My faith rocks me to the core and at times gently warms me like the sun on my face. My children will witness my faith and hopefully pass it on to their children. This in turn I hope, will make them not only better people, but also more equipped to help heal our fragile world.
Live life. Love deeply. Follow your dreams. Most of all, have faith.
Hope to see you all at the reunion!
Korey (Garvey) Capizzi
Monday, April 16, 2007
Please sign my yearbook!!!!
and "When Nani dumps you call me"! Ok, the last one was never written but dont kill my buzz.
Anyways! This will be my new Yearbook! Please write something! I want alot of people in it! If you read and dont wright i will hunt you down! You will have the guilt of a broken chain letter!
REMEMBER Terrana is Italian! I can make things happen! Next time you stub your toe, It was me. Next time you lose your keys, Me again! I will make you pay! So leave a message, good or bad.
Hey Nani..... How ya like me now?
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Find the Classmates...
Former Classmates...
Remember Gildo? He went to Kennedy but transferred to another school. We're inviting all our former classmates and have a list of everyone like Gildo who didn't graduate from JFK. We'd love to see them so help us out and spread the word! Click here to see the list.
The Friends We Never Had..........
Friday, April 13, 2007
In memory of those classmates who are no longer with us
The classmates we are aware of:
Greg Vinson
Chito Duran
Gina Aquila
I'll start.
My memory is of Chito in 8th grade at St Philomena's. We were inside for recess due to the rain and a couple of us got caught throwing the football in the classroom. I remember Chito telling Mrs. Byers that if she was going to bust us she had to bust the whole class because we were all doing it. Needless to say, no one got in trouble.
Now it's your turn...................
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
What has changed in twenty years???
Things that have changed:
- instead of looking for pimples we're looking for gray hair
- the music today sounds horribly wrong and loud (was rap suppose to last this long). Although, a good song from the 80's like ADD IT UP could make you turn it up to 11. Were we able to listen to that song at school dances???
- we work, we rest and play if we have time. We played, sometimes worked and never rested.
- we had one phone number and we had everyone's memorized. now it's a lost art form to have a phone number in your head.
- a walkman had a cassette of one or two albums. Now you can carry your entire collection with you on the go.
- we had a half day of school to go to "The Fair". That doesn't happen in the real world.
- Starbuck's was a little coffee house in Pike Place Market that only people from Seattle knew about.
- what ever happen to California coolers?
- we had a dumb republican in office...oh wait, that hasn't change.
I'd love to hear about how you have or haven't changed. Heck, if you remember me, I'd just love to hear from you anyway.
Post comments and tell me to shut up, that's cool too. Oh yeah, Madonna...she still rocks. That hasn't changed.
I want dirt people!!! POST IT!
Email directly to say hi. Louloubox@mac.com Please put Hey Louie in the subject line so your mail doesn't go to my junk mail. Cheers. Louie
Main Reunion Event Details
We will be having the main reunion event at Club Hollywood in the Red Crane Restaurant & Lounge, which occupies the entire top floor. There's also a casino downstairs, televisions everywhere, a dance floor, stage, piano, and our very own bar - so there's lots to do if you don't have classmates to catch up with (Ummmm, .... Spouse/Partners maybe)
Sunday, March 11, 2007
So did your life turn out like a John Hughes film?
- Say Anything - John Cusak standing there with the boombox playing "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel
- Breakfast Club - The geek, jock, princess, criminal and the wierd chick. Who did you identify with?
- Pretty in Pink - This had an awesome soundtrack! Pschedelic Furs, Simple Minds...
- Sixteen Candles - 'My name is Long Duck Dong...' That Jake was such a hottie.
- Risky Business - Way before Tom 'jumped the couch.'
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off - "Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?"
- Wierd Science - fess up, I bet you wore a bra on your head too :)
- Some Kind of Wonderful - The guy's version of Pretty in Pink
- Footloose - RIP Christopher Penn
- St Elmo's Fire - The Brat Pack
- Can't Buy Me Love - Dr. Mc Dreamy doing the African Aardvark dance.

Here are few "Reunion movies" to put on your Net Flix queue:
- Grosse Point Blank
- Romy & Michelle's Highschool Reunion
- The Big Chill
- Since You've Been Gone (this was a TV movie...)
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Mike McCullough is no Derek Orozco
Let's be honest, my research indicates that their superficial differences cancel. Therefore, you can indeed compare Mike and Derek, but the sum of differences equals the null set.
Note for those likely to be offended: I am in no way denigrading Mike's or Derek's talent as an actor.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Let's be Honest, You're No Jason Wetzel...
I'd say the Class of 87 was pretty close compared to others- I've talked to my old teachers and many of them have fond memories of our class and that no other was as tight knit. We went through a lot togther which brought us closer in the end. Some of you probably wondered, "Mellaney who?" when you visited the blog for the first time. I was that filipino girl who was in Marching Band, sat in Mr Danforth's class with you, cheered you on, wrote you a "Palanka" at Search.... We all came from different backgrounds, participated (or not) in different activities and hung out with our friends but our common factor was that we were all Lancers.
Life has had it's ups and downs for all of us. We've lost touch with old friends, gotten divorced, travelled the world, gained weight, lost hair, got a job that pays the bills, found love and had kids, or none of the above. I do sincerely hope all of you are happy in life and that you have found your passion. Life is good, or at least it can be...
So in less than 6 months from now, I want to be sitting with you, catching up and sharing stories, eating great food and having a drink, or two, or three...... :)
Monday, February 26, 2007
More Pictures!

Korey (Garvey) Capizzi & daughter Cambria (to see more of Korey's family pics go to the album)

Jay: "I met up with Toni (Eaves) Fielder for dinner in L.A. last night ;^)"

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Let's Be Honest; You're no Jim Caviezel.
Question #1: How much weight can I possibly lose before August?
Assuming a respectable 2 lbs per week that works out to 46 lbs. Good luck with that.
Question #2: Precisely how jealous of everyone else should I be?
This one is more difficult to answer. We all know that money does not buy happiness; however, what does buy happiness is having more money than your brother-in-law, for example.
Comparisons, while part of human nature, are perhaps the most frightening thing about reunions. Fortunately for us, a real-live Hollywood star emerged from our collective. Not just any star, but one who played a pretty dang convincing Jesus. Yes, that Jesus. (I have not seen the movie so, please, no spoilers!) How can you compete with this?
Forget about it. Let's just get together and have some fun and not worry about who would make a better Jesus. It's done. Moving on.
So once again, face it; you're no Jim Caviezel, but no one expects that of you anyway. Unless, of course, you actually are Jim Caviezel. In which case you're no Jerry Velling. So don't even try to be one.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Favorite Songs - JFK Jams

KYYX -"The Wave" & KNHC were the stations to listen to - I was so sad when they changed KYYX's format - How many of you sat there listening to static in disbelief when it went off the air?
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Save the Dates!
Sunday - Family Picnic - Lincoln Park, Shelter #5 (near the wading pool) We have 10 tables reserved (and confirmed!) including the shelter. We also have Baseball field #1. Stay tuned for details about the Softball game.

Note that this is also the same weekend as Seafair.
Keep checking this posting for updates!!!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Did you know?
...Dan Furber - "I am married with two great kids and currently living in Fort Bragg, NC. We have been here for two years and are getting ready to move to God only knows where. I am now a paratrooping contracting officer for the US Army Special Operations Command. I am a Captain getting ready to pin on Major. My wife and I own the Stick and Rudder Pilot Shop. I started it and she runs it. I currently fly as a commercial pilot as a skydiver driver and flight instructor. I have ten years left in the Army, at that point, I will spend the rest of my life flying and running my pilot shop." (from his posting on Reunion.com)
...John Springer is living in Wenatchee with his wife Meg and 3 kids, working as a Physical Therapist. He still sees Sean Eagon, Dave Harkin, Mike Dennis, Jay Ladum, Hank Willimon, Tim O'Brien and Brian Mahn at least once a year for an annual weekend of golf and cards.
...Eilisa Maranville Maes just delivered her fourth son - Congratulations!
...Nani Kinney married Mark Terrana, Traci Gruber married Mike Dennis and Traci Snyder married Mike McCullough?
...that Romadel De Las Alas has completed 4 Ironmen and 10 Marathons?
...that Traci Snyder McCullough, Jennifer Bell Pelley and Mellaney all work together in Finance at UW Physicians?
...the UPS driver for Brian Lewis & Stephanie's office is none other than Larry Holmes!
...Greg Martin plays trombone with the Portage Bay Big Band?
...Jeff Jacobsen has been a life coach for nearly 10 years, with his own practice and lives in the Bay Area?
What else do you know?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Share Your Pictures

Brian Fischer - hard at work with his music
Check out his website:

Melanie Kelsey at last year’s NFC Championship Game.

Mellaney and godson Ever at the AHA Heart Walk 9/06.