Sunday, August 5, 2007

Thank You!

(Sigh) Is it really over? What a weekend it has been. On behalf of the reunion committee I'd like to thank everyone that helped, blogged, sent in pictures and just plain showed up. You all have contributed in your own special way and made our reunion a huge success!

A big HUG & KISS to Toni & Stephanie - Without you this would not have been possible.

Stay tuned for a reunion recap- pictures and more info to come. Thank you for a lovely time. Travel home safely to your loved ones, take care and Godbless.


Gildo said...

YES Thank you, it was great seeing everyone, and getting reacquainted. It was great to see all the future Lancers at the Picnic (hopefully mine stay the whole 4 years :)).

Thanks again for all the effort you all put into it... Think about a career change?

How long is the reunion site going to be up and running?
Take Care

Anonymous said...

Wow - What fun!
Thanks so much to all involved on the committee. Your long hours of hard work were so apparent and very much appreciated. Everything was extremely well planned and worked out so well.
thanks again!

Toni & Steph: will you be up to it again in 10 years? :)

Jennifer (you can call me lisa or sharon) Bell

Jason W. said...

This entire event was a 10 out of 10! Right now I'm writing this from a WiFi hotspot at Cold Stone Creamery in Woodinville to mark the end of my diet. Thank you all!

I hope we can keep this blog running not just to keep in touch, but for an important support group which is now forming: MFURBSVS (Men felt up relentlessly by Stephanie (Vlach) Swanstrom.)
It's a safe place where we can come together.

Again, than you all and goodnight!

Stephanie said...

Today was the first time that Jason has EVER let me put my arm around him, so I totally feel like I've scored!

Doug Seven said...

It was great seeing eveyone, especially seeing all the old photos, then turning around and seeing all the old people...I kid because I love.

Larry and I were talking about an annual golf outing and BBQ. I think it would be a blast.


Unknown said...

I'm up for an annual golf/BBQ outing....

TEF said...

Yawn - I just woke up! I haven't slept till 10A in years. Thank goodness I said I would "work" from home today :-)

Several of you asked if we'd be glad when it was over - and it's a big fat NO. It is work, but we had so much fun and a great team to help. I learned this ages ago and it rang so true this weekend; it's the people that make the party - great people = great party and you are all terrific!

We will be emailing this week (okay maybe next) with "wrap up" logistics... you will all be getting EVERYTHING from the reunion - from digital yearbook pictures to the table tent content and a classmate directory.

The blog is up forever - the website too if it makes sense (for messaging and announcements or something??? My brain isn't functioning yet)...

Special thanks to Steph. You may not know what a close call it was. JFK had to call around to get someone to start the reunion planning. She wasn't the first call but but stepped up with a huge smile (has anyone every seen her not smiling??). Steph - I absolutely adore you! (no, that doesn't mean you can feel me up). Shortly after, Mellaney jumped in with the blog - HUGE kudos to you Mellaney. Without the blog I am not sure we'd have reached everyone (and my cheeks wouldn't have been hurting for 4 months from laughing). Then I came along with my steamroller and everyone else pitched. It was totally a team effort.

THANK YOU SO MUCH - everyone - from input to envelope stuffing to just plain giving your opinion and showing up. YOU made the reunion.

Anonymous said...

Will you be putting up the 80's slide show on the website? Since I was not there, I would love to see it!

Anonymous said...

Can I just say, like, OMG....All I have been thinking about since Saturday night is Saturday night! Wish that I could do it all again. All you committee members heard it all weekend long I'm sure, but THANKS!! What great events and all the special touches were fab.


Stephanie said...

Thanks everyone for your pats on the back. I’m glad you had fun; I did too. There were some people who were truly inspirational to me during the last several months who have slipped by completely under the radar and I need to take a moment to acknowledge these people.
Korey (Garvey) Capizzi and Anessa (Barker) Pryor. Your early enthusiasm kept me going when there were rough times in the beginning. When I wondered, “Why am I doing this?” I would answer myself, “Oh yeah, because Korey and Anessa just want to see their friends.” Anessa, I’m so sorry that you couldn’t make it in the end. It sucks when real life gets in the way of having fun. Thank you Korey and Anessa for keeping my head in the right place.
Steve Hayatsu, who was the only one to show up at the first committee meeting at my house. I rolled my eyes and said, “Yeah, like you’re going to help me plan the reunion.” Steve blew me away by continuing to show up, right to the end. Steve, I will never again underestimate your super powers.
Greg Martin, the look on my face Sunday morning should have said it all, but I wanted others to know what you’ve done even if you don’t think that you did anything special. Back in March, Greg didn’t really want to come to the reunion. Then he agreed to help with the reunion. He was always available and willing, but the moment that gets him extra points from me was Sunday morning at Lincoln Park. I got to the park at 10:00 to start setting up. I was not functioning to full capacity because of lack of sleep. It was getting closer and closer to 11:00 and I was still unloading cases of pop and coolers of ice from my truck, I was dead tired and then there was Greg. He had gotten just as little sleep as me, but he had showed up early and asked, “What can I do?” Thanks Greg, it meant the world to me.
Now that this is all over, I’m going to find some other adventure with my new best friend Toni!

Jeff Jonientz said...

What an amazing weekend! It was so much fun getting reacquainted with friends and talking with folks I never had a chance to back in school. Very good times! Thanks to all the committee members for all their hard work - it definitely paid off!

Jason - let me know when you form MFURBSVS and how much the dues are.

Gildo - where do you shop for clothes? Er, never mind... I think one must be Italian to pull off the embroidered look like that.

TEF said...

Hey, you need to rename MFURBSVS to AFURBSVS (anyone felt up..) because Stephanie does not discriminate!

TEF said...

Oh - and if you have pictures, here's how you can get them onto the DVD we will send out -
1. burn them to dvd and mail them to Toni
2. put them into a single zip file and use to send it to
3. Upload them onto our website

Gildo said...

Jeff- It is the benefits of having a wife in the fasion industry, she always tells me wear these. Then when I don't want to she says ,"Hey what would Scott Baio wear" HA!!

I was a little worried about the embroidery, but since Mr. Waltner was not going to be there I figured I could pull it off.

It was nice talking to you last weekend.

BTW: I am in for the golfing.

Jeff Jonientz said...

Gildo - same here. It was great catching up with you. Hope you gave Pasquale crap for not showing up!

And Waltner... I think we could take him, ha!

Anonymous said...

Take him where? Is there a paddle with holes involved? Okay, bad joke, couldn't help myself! Where are my meds?


Jay Tando said...

Lancer People,

All of my pix are now online- I just uploaded all of them finally!

Kennedy High Reunion:



P.S. - Tony you will get a zip link ;^)

Mellaney M said...

Hey Jay,
Great pictures! I added them to this slideshow.


Jay Tando said...


Welcome ;^)

I saw many people taking lots of pix so hopefully they'll all send them on in and we'll have a ton on the DVD you guys send out ;^)

Cheers from L.A.,
