Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Main Event - Club Hollywood

Here's a taste of Saturday night at Club Hollywood. I'm apologizing now for any of the fuzzy pictures - someone should have taken the camera away from me after that last drink...


Unknown said...

Betcha you've learned not to leave your camera lying around on a table with some drunk people. You actually THOUGHT we wouldn't find something to do with it. :)

Anessa (Barker) Pryor said...

Just call the fuzzy ones your "artsy" photos and no one will ever know the difference. Except us...who read the blog...and know the whole story.


Mellaney M said...

Mel - can i just say that picture of Chris with your foot grosses me out every time I come across it???? Eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

Jeff Jonientz said...

Mellaney - just think how bad it was for those of us who were there while the picture was being taken!

You'd think they'd clean those floors occasionally...

Unknown said...

Mr. Jonientz,

You know perfectly well that you thought it was funny....

Mel, it's a digital camera just delete the pic. :) I never thought you'd actually keep it.