Saturday, June 24, 2017

Non-Facebooking Friends

We have quite a few classmates who are not on Facebook and do not get updates about the reunion activities, 69 classmates to be exact. Here is a list of people. Leave a comment if you can be the one to contact them and give them information on how to get their tickets.

First Last/Maiden Last Now Who will contact?
Don Alden Alden
Valdis Atvars Atvars Scott Rossman
Lisa Barkhurst Barkhurst Mellaney Buntin
Kenneth Barrea Barrea
Jeffrey Baskett Baskett
Sharon Bentler Hayes Mellaney Buntin
Holly Beste Beste
David Brown Brown
Aaron Buxbaum Buxbaum
D'Ette Carriger Carriger
Jim Caviezel Caviezel Jay Tando
Donald Daigle Daigle
Mike Dennis Dennis
Kelly Diamond Diamond
Sean Eagon Eagon Louis Parent
Monique Ervin Ervin
Mead Fenton Fenton
Heidi Fink Fink
John Gan Gan
Tamara Garrett Garrett
Korey Garvey Capizzi
Tracey Giacomini Giacomini
Armando Gonzales Gonzales
Desmond Goold Goold
Alison Gordon Gordon
Becky Griffeth Griffeth Vieg
Tracy Gruber Dennis
David Harrison Harrison
Peter Heffernan Heffernan Steph Swanstrom
Larry Holmes Holmes Steph Swanstrom
Joseph Infantado Infantado
Susan Jackson Jackson
Matthew Jones Jones
Daniel King King
Cameron Kruse Kruse
Jason Ladum Ladum
Julie Leahy Printz Leahy Printz
Brian Lewis Lewis
Christine Liebel Liebel
Debra Lindstrom Lindstrom
Rhett Mathis Mathis
Kristofer Maudslien Maudslien Steph Swanstrom
Kimberly Mesaros Mesaros
Jason Miller Miller
Erin Milligan Milligan
David Nikolaisen Nikolaisen
Tina Pai Pai
Matt Pedersen Pedersen
Karen Perry Perry
Anne Peyton Carriker
Theresa Peyton Peyton
Shannon Ransom Hendricks
Sonia Roybal Roybal
Rhonda Saxby Saxby Ward
Kimi Schultz Knapp
Patrick Schultz Schultz
Todd Schwartz Schwartz Jeff Jonientz
Mark Sinkula Sinkula
Gary Smith Smith
Nikole Spurrell Spurrell Hecklinger
Christopher Sullivan Sullivan
Mary Tancioco Tancioco
David Thurston Thurston
Thomas Utschinski Utschinski
Jerry Velling Velling Steph Swanstrom
Mark Warner Warner
Katherine Yanak Yanak
Ji Hyun Yu Yu
Chris Zocco Zocco


Michael dawley said...

Hi I am trying to get info on reunion this summer. Your blog has me listed as not on Facebook.
I am active on Facebook you should be able to find me. If you could give me some info that would be awesome. Email is

Stephanie said...

Thanks for reaching out. We'll get you the info that you need.