The whole idea of a 20-year reunion is a strange, strange thing and nothing in our pre-historic past prepares us for it. This is why our blog was created- to answer questions, fill gaps, and address burning questions.
Question #1: How much weight can I possibly lose before August?
Assuming a respectable 2 lbs per week that works out to 46 lbs. Good luck with that.
Question #2: Precisely how jealous of everyone else should I be?
This one is more difficult to answer. We all know that money does not buy happiness; however, what does buy happiness is having more money than your brother-in-law, for example.
Comparisons, while part of human nature, are perhaps the most frightening thing about reunions. Fortunately for us, a real-live Hollywood star emerged from our collective. Not just any star, but one who played a pretty dang convincing Jesus. Yes, that Jesus. (I have not seen the movie so, please, no spoilers!) How can you compete with this?
Forget about it. Let's just get together and have some fun and not worry about who would make a better Jesus. It's done. Moving on.
So once again, face it; you're no Jim Caviezel, but no one expects that of you anyway. Unless, of course, you actually are Jim Caviezel. In which case you're no Jerry Velling. So don't even try to be one.
Hey J - You always manage to say what we know everyone's thinking :)
I beg to differ with Jason W's view on "You're no Jim Caviezel"! I think most of us don't need to compare ourselves nor compete with anyone. I find the comment small-minded and certainly embarrassing for many including Jim Caviezel. I'm sure he doesn't want this kind of attention made over him. Bottom line, he is a talented actor and just another one of our many classmates.
Ok "anonymous" - the posting was in no way meant to offend and is not to be taken seriously -
Of course we all know that Jim is a wonderful actor but have you ever 'googled' him? I also know he has a great sense of humor - if you can't laugh at yourself...
The point is that we should not worry about what we've accomplished, how much money we make or how many kids we've got - instead we should be thankful for what we have and come to the reunion 'as you are!'
Wow anonymous- find a sense of humor and lighten up a little. I think that your insites are funny Jason, write on man.
Thank you second anonymous! If only all anonymouses were as cool as you.
Ok, I am getting confused. Who am I not? I was kind of hoping to be Derek Orozco.
okay, I loved this. I found it so refreshing that I forwarded it on to a few Lancers that didn't get the blog information. It's actually made me re-think coming to the reunion.
Wow! Nick Jenkins would love this blog you guys started here...................that guy used to debate me over whether or not I wanted to debate whether or not my breakfast was what I truly wanted that day or not...........if that makes any sense .........whatsover.........or..........not? ok Mike, now I am confused too, your not alone.
Brian Fischer
After 20 years and you still are worring about that stuff...a couple of months won't help. We are no spring chickens! I think I will go buy contacts....a pair of pants two sizes too a fancy sports people a picture of a mansion I once took a picture of and tell everone it's mine. Give myself a fancy job title. "A movement engineer in the aerospace industry specializing in commercial and non commercial aircraft." I will be impressive!
On second thought...I will just wear comfortable clothing..put my specs on...jump in the old hooptie mingle with people in the same boat as myself. If anyone asks..I drive a truck for Boeing.
Hey everyone... did you know that I developed post its???
Michelle (of Romi and Michelle) or wait am I Romi?
Let's get together. Let's chat. Let's laugh. And realize we all grew up and one day back in high school we thought about our 20 year reunion.
It's here and we're all almost 40. That's something to look forward to;)
'Now this is fun' -Depeche Mode
"I only play Bach Chopin and Beethoven"
Jason, Mozart is missing in your playlist...didn't you use to exclusively play him?
Now this is a funny story, A friend of mine was in the process of selling his parents house and through some kind of finacial wrangling (I'm not sure if it was legal) he had to deposit an escrow check into his account and then transfer it to his broker. for about 30 minutes he had a checking account balance of $750,000.00 (his real balance was about $300.00) During that 30 minute window he went to an ATM and did a "Balance inquiry" about 30 times printing out 30 reciepts. He took those reciepts to his 20 high school reunion. Throughout the evening he gave quite a few of the girls he found attractive his phone number, written on "A scrap of paper" from his pocket (the $750,000.00 reciept). I had to give him an A+ for effort but I felt sorry for him. He couldn't be proud of what he had accomplished in his life he wold rather create a lie. If I can make it I will probabbly be at the reunion, just who I am, an overweight, pretty old, not rich bus driver, who is happy, healthy and glad to wake up every day, hope I can make it!
I don't think that Jim Caviezel has any reason to be embarrassed. Unless, of course, he actually thinks that someone else in the class of '87 is also Jim Caviezel, then he'd be embarrassed to be proven wrong because I don't think there was more than one person by that name (correct me if I'm wrong there).
I was hoping to be Derek Orozco, but if I died and were reincarnated, I think I'd want to be Jay Tando (the ladies love Jay!).
Can we at least all agree that none of us is Robert Kennedy? Sorry I missed the reunion....
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