I received an email from the Kennedy Development office today. Here it is for all of you...GREAT JOB LANCER FAN’S! Your votes helped us easily beat Seattle Prep in round-one of the kirotv.com online contest, “Which High School Has The Most Spirit?” (for more information about the contest, see the link on the JFK homepage at www.kennedyhs.org). Round-two will be a little tougher since Kiro threw out a challenge to the other schools. Here’s what they had to say about the awesome Kennedy Spirit…
Congratulations Liberty, Renton, Snohomish and Kennedy! You have all advanced to the Sweet 16 of the KIRO School Spirit Competition! A special congratulations to Kennedy who had 1747 votes and beat the old record set by Kamiak (737) by almost 1000 votes!! They are proving tough to beat. Great job!
Kamiak picked up the challenge. As we send you this reminder at 9:00 PM on Sunday evening, Kamiak has just passed the 1,000 vote mark…with 19 more hours of voting left! We need your help to defend the unbeatable Lancer Spirit!
Vote for Kennedy High School in round-two of the School Spirit Contest at:
http://www.kirotv.com/schoolspirit/index.html. Voting for Kennedy begins at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, May 21 and ends on Friday, May 23 at 4:00 PM. You can vote as often as you like -- be sure to tell family and friends!
Go Lancers!