Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I want your snow photos.
I know that some of you have some great snow photos and I'd like to post some of them here. So post them yourself or email them to me and I'll get them up here for you.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Fun With Rome II

Rome will be in town.
Come hang out for a while at MICK KELLY'S Irish Pub in Burien
around 8PM Friday Dec 19, 2008
Directions at http://www.mickkellysirishpub.com/
435 SW 152nd Ave
Thanks. Hope to see you guys!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Eilisa's 5th BOY!!
I'm a little late in posting this but a few weeks ago I received happy news from Eilisa (Maranville) Mayes:
Hi Everyone, 
Somehow this original email got hung up in cyberspace. We did finally name our little one last Thursday: Carsten Randall. We are all doing well. Carsten is very sweet. I cant believe we have 5 boys - What am I going to do?????????? :-)
Well it is off to diapers and feedings - Love,
Hi everyone,
We just wanted to pass along that baby boy 5 and mom are doing great. He was born at 1:52pm AK on 9/21 (right at the end of the first half of the Seahawks - Rams game). Weighs 8lbs 2oz and is 20" long. We are having the usual trouble with a name. Preston likes " Bob the Builder". Not sure about that one. We can't wait to bring him home.
Randy and the boys
Somehow this original email got hung up in cyberspace. We did finally name our little one last Thursday: Carsten Randall. We are all doing well. Carsten is very sweet. I cant believe we have 5 boys - What am I going to do?????????? :-)
Well it is off to diapers and feedings - Love,

We just wanted to pass along that baby boy 5 and mom are doing great. He was born at 1:52pm AK on 9/21 (right at the end of the first half of the Seahawks - Rams game). Weighs 8lbs 2oz and is 20" long. We are having the usual trouble with a name. Preston likes " Bob the Builder". Not sure about that one. We can't wait to bring him home.
Randy and the boys
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Join the Facebook Fever!!
Today I added Dodie Cordero as a Facebook Friend! Last week it was Nani Terrana! So ask yourself - 'Why haven't I joined Facebook?' Stephanie and Doug created the group 'JFK, Seattle, Class of 1987' last August after our 20 year and there are currently 55 members. This morning I chatted with Romadel while he was in Japan. Yes, I'm an addict but it's fun keeping in touch with everyone and seeing what they're up to.
See who's on Facebook TODAY! Here's a link to the group.
or http://www.facebook.com/
See who's on Facebook TODAY! Here's a link to the group.
or http://www.facebook.com/
Friday, September 5, 2008
A Message from the Kennedy Alumni Association
Here's a message for everyone that I got from the school.
Exciting News: all Kennedy Football regular season games will be broadcast live over the Internet beginning with this Saturday’s opening game at Qwest Field vs. Kentwood. This is reportedly a Seattle and Washington State first for a high school to stream live its entire season. You can tune into www.waldcast.net to hear the games. You will need to download Quick Time, which is available on the site, to be able to listen to the games. We have contracted with a seasoned California broadcaster, Ronnie Wald, who will handle the play by play this season. If you can’t attend the games, plan to tune in.
Qwest Field Game: The Lancers are playing in the Emerald City Kick Off Classic tomorrow, September 6th at 5:30pm vs. Kentwood. Prior to the game, from 3pm until 5pm, the Alumni Association is hosting a Pre Game gathering at the King Street Bar and Grill directly north of Qwest Field on King Street. The Alumni Association is providing beer, pizza, and pasta for all that attend. There is no charge for this event and the King Street B & G is family friendly. I hope to see a number of you there; the weather is supposed to be superb.
20 Year Football Reunion: If you played football or were associated with the program for one year or all four from day one until 1989, plan to join us September 20th before, during, and after the 1:30pm contest vs. Evergreen. The former players will assemble prior to the game, be recognized at half time, then head back to the School for a family oriented BBQ after the conclusion of the game. Additional info will be forthcoming from the Alumni Relations Office.
Mike Utley DAM2DAM Bike Ride: once again the Alumni Association is participating and entering a team in the DAM2DAM Bike Ride September 27th in Wenatchee. You can get information and register to ride at: www.mikeutley.org/biketour.html. There will be an Alumni Association booth at the Ride. When you register, register under the Kennedy Alumni name. All folks registered under that name will receive a Kennedy Alumni, Mike Utley DAM2DAM shirt.
If you have any questions regarding any of these events, please contact myself or Gregg in the Alumni Office.
Be good, Jeff
Jeff Crompe President Kennedy HS Alumni Association 206-669-5333 www.kennedyhsalumni.org
Exciting News: all Kennedy Football regular season games will be broadcast live over the Internet beginning with this Saturday’s opening game at Qwest Field vs. Kentwood. This is reportedly a Seattle and Washington State first for a high school to stream live its entire season. You can tune into www.waldcast.net to hear the games. You will need to download Quick Time, which is available on the site, to be able to listen to the games. We have contracted with a seasoned California broadcaster, Ronnie Wald, who will handle the play by play this season. If you can’t attend the games, plan to tune in.
Qwest Field Game: The Lancers are playing in the Emerald City Kick Off Classic tomorrow, September 6th at 5:30pm vs. Kentwood. Prior to the game, from 3pm until 5pm, the Alumni Association is hosting a Pre Game gathering at the King Street Bar and Grill directly north of Qwest Field on King Street. The Alumni Association is providing beer, pizza, and pasta for all that attend. There is no charge for this event and the King Street B & G is family friendly. I hope to see a number of you there; the weather is supposed to be superb.
20 Year Football Reunion: If you played football or were associated with the program for one year or all four from day one until 1989, plan to join us September 20th before, during, and after the 1:30pm contest vs. Evergreen. The former players will assemble prior to the game, be recognized at half time, then head back to the School for a family oriented BBQ after the conclusion of the game. Additional info will be forthcoming from the Alumni Relations Office.
Mike Utley DAM2DAM Bike Ride: once again the Alumni Association is participating and entering a team in the DAM2DAM Bike Ride September 27th in Wenatchee. You can get information and register to ride at: www.mikeutley.org/biketour.html. There will be an Alumni Association booth at the Ride. When you register, register under the Kennedy Alumni name. All folks registered under that name will receive a Kennedy Alumni, Mike Utley DAM2DAM shirt.
If you have any questions regarding any of these events, please contact myself or Gregg in the Alumni Office.
Be good, Jeff
Jeff Crompe President Kennedy HS Alumni Association 206-669-5333 www.kennedyhsalumni.org
Sunday, July 27, 2008
2nd Annual JFK Class of '87 Golf Tournament
Its time for the 2nd Annual JFK Class of '87 Golf Tournament.
Last year I asked you to save the date of 8/8/08 for the tournement....then a friend of mine decides that is the day he is getting married, and I am to be the best man. So....new date. I'm thinkingFriday, 8/22/08...Saturday, 8/23/08.
Who's in? All skill level's welcome. Once I get a rough idea of how many to expect, I will find a couse and set up the details.
2nd Annual JFK Class of '87 Golf Outing (and Barbecue?)
Friday, August 22, 2008
RSVP: doug AT dougseven DOT com.
Last year I asked you to save the date of 8/8/08 for the tournement....then a friend of mine decides that is the day he is getting married, and I am to be the best man. So....new date. I'm thinking
Who's in? All skill level's welcome. Once I get a rough idea of how many to expect, I will find a couse and set up the details.
2nd Annual JFK Class of '87 Golf Outing (and Barbecue?)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
RSVP: doug AT dougseven DOT com.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Class Of '88 Reunion Attendees Once Again Trick Sue Thorpe Into Thinking Jeff Urban Likes Her
Wow! Has it been a year already since our Class of ’87’s 20th last Summer ?
From The Onion:
Class Of '88 Reunion Attendees Once Again Trick Sue Thorpe Into Thinking Jeff Urban Likes Her
July 8, 2008 Issue 44•28
ABERDEEN, ID—While attending her 20-year high school reunion Monday, 38-year-old claims adjuster Sue Thorpe was once again tricked into believing that used-car salesman and former homecoming king Jeff Urban had a crush on her, a replay of a cruel prank first played on Thorpe during her senior prom in 1988. "Becky [Linden] told me that Jeff was real lonely after his divorce, and that he had thought about me a lot over the years," Thorpe said tearfully after being humiliated in front of her entire class when the now 252-pound Urban refused to dance with her. "And Bella [Cortland] said that because Jeff's a notary public now, it's illegal for him to lie, so he had to be telling the truth when she asked Jeff if he liked me and he said yes. Why do they keep doing this to me?" Later that evening, a dejected Thorpe repeated another dark chapter from her past when she got drunk and was impregnated by Louis O'Keefe in a soccer goal.
From The Onion:
Class Of '88 Reunion Attendees Once Again Trick Sue Thorpe Into Thinking Jeff Urban Likes Her
July 8, 2008 Issue 44•28
ABERDEEN, ID—While attending her 20-year high school reunion Monday, 38-year-old claims adjuster Sue Thorpe was once again tricked into believing that used-car salesman and former homecoming king Jeff Urban had a crush on her, a replay of a cruel prank first played on Thorpe during her senior prom in 1988. "Becky [Linden] told me that Jeff was real lonely after his divorce, and that he had thought about me a lot over the years," Thorpe said tearfully after being humiliated in front of her entire class when the now 252-pound Urban refused to dance with her. "And Bella [Cortland] said that because Jeff's a notary public now, it's illegal for him to lie, so he had to be telling the truth when she asked Jeff if he liked me and he said yes. Why do they keep doing this to me?" Later that evening, a dejected Thorpe repeated another dark chapter from her past when she got drunk and was impregnated by Louis O'Keefe in a soccer goal.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Pictures from Eilisa (Maranville) Maes
Just thought we would send out a wildlife update from our new house:
The bear came through the yard last Saturday night about 10:30pm. We just finished up roasting marshmallows. By the time I got my camera out, he was already in the neighbor's driveway. Good thing he didn't come after me.
The mama and baby moose were in our driveway when we got home. We just had it paved and can't drive on it for a couple days. Brandon was the first to spot them while walking down to the house. We had to give them a wide birth and mama was thinking about coming after us. They stuck around for a while and gave us a good opportunity to snap a few pictures from the safety of the house.
Hope you enjoy the pics!
Randy, Eilisa and the boys
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Rome's Visit
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Karaoke Night with Rome Friday 6/27

Romadel will be in town and he's looking for good sake and karaoke. We'll be meeting up with him at Bush Garden in the International District Friday June 27th at 9:00 PM.
Bush Garden Restaurant
614 Maynard Ave S Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 682-6830
Please email Rome or post a comment here if you're planning on coming - we can make reservations for 20+ people
Hope to see you there!
Bush Garden Restaurant
614 Maynard Ave S Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 682-6830
Please email Rome or post a comment here if you're planning on coming - we can make reservations for 20+ people
Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Congratulations x 2= Wetzel TWINS!
Congratulations to Jackie, Jason & big sister Erika
Welcome Catherine Jayne and Miranda Kimberly
7lbs; 19in. and 7lbs; 4oz 19.5in.
Check out their pictures at:
Saturday, May 31, 2008
If That Wasn't Enough Voting For You....
Try this one out. 
Go to http://www.nwsource.com/ and choose '08 people's picks. Then under "Travel & Recreation" choose the Gym category. Or follow this link then type in Kristen's gym, Lift Personal Training Studio and scroll down to enter the code. You can vote again the next day.
It would be great to get Kristen some well deserved publicity.
Go to http://www.nwsource.com/ and choose '08 people's picks. Then under "Travel & Recreation" choose the Gym category. Or follow this link then type in Kristen's gym, Lift Personal Training Studio and scroll down to enter the code. You can vote again the next day.
It would be great to get Kristen some well deserved publicity.
Monday, May 19, 2008
KIRO TV School Spirit Contest
I received an email from the Kennedy Development office today. Here it is for all of you...
GREAT JOB LANCER FAN’S! Your votes helped us easily beat Seattle Prep in round-one of the kirotv.com online contest, “Which High School Has The Most Spirit?” (for more information about the contest, see the link on the JFK homepage at www.kennedyhs.org). Round-two will be a little tougher since Kiro threw out a challenge to the other schools. Here’s what they had to say about the awesome Kennedy Spirit…
Congratulations Liberty, Renton, Snohomish and Kennedy! You have all advanced to the Sweet 16 of the KIRO School Spirit Competition! A special congratulations to Kennedy who had 1747 votes and beat the old record set by Kamiak (737) by almost 1000 votes!! They are proving tough to beat. Great job!
Kamiak picked up the challenge. As we send you this reminder at 9:00 PM on Sunday evening, Kamiak has just passed the 1,000 vote mark…with 19 more hours of voting left! We need your help to defend the unbeatable Lancer Spirit!
Vote for Kennedy High School in round-two of the School Spirit Contest at: http://www.kirotv.com/schoolspirit/index.html. Voting for Kennedy begins at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, May 21 and ends on Friday, May 23 at 4:00 PM. You can vote as often as you like -- be sure to tell family and friends!
Go Lancers!
GREAT JOB LANCER FAN’S! Your votes helped us easily beat Seattle Prep in round-one of the kirotv.com online contest, “Which High School Has The Most Spirit?” (for more information about the contest, see the link on the JFK homepage at www.kennedyhs.org). Round-two will be a little tougher since Kiro threw out a challenge to the other schools. Here’s what they had to say about the awesome Kennedy Spirit…
Congratulations Liberty, Renton, Snohomish and Kennedy! You have all advanced to the Sweet 16 of the KIRO School Spirit Competition! A special congratulations to Kennedy who had 1747 votes and beat the old record set by Kamiak (737) by almost 1000 votes!! They are proving tough to beat. Great job!
Kamiak picked up the challenge. As we send you this reminder at 9:00 PM on Sunday evening, Kamiak has just passed the 1,000 vote mark…with 19 more hours of voting left! We need your help to defend the unbeatable Lancer Spirit!
Vote for Kennedy High School in round-two of the School Spirit Contest at: http://www.kirotv.com/schoolspirit/index.html. Voting for Kennedy begins at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, May 21 and ends on Friday, May 23 at 4:00 PM. You can vote as often as you like -- be sure to tell family and friends!
Go Lancers!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Dinner With Dan
Dan Furber is coming to town! Everyone who wants to have dinner with Dan will be meeting at Harmon Brewing in Tacoma, Sunday April 27th at 5:30. http://harmon.harmonbrewingco.com/
Harmon Brewing Company, Inc
1938 Pacific Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98402
If you email me that you're going to come, I'll make sure that we have a big enough table.email Stephanie
Harmon Brewing Company, Inc
1938 Pacific Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98402
If you email me that you're going to come, I'll make sure that we have a big enough table.email Stephanie
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
KATCH Auction 2008

The first item up for bid is the Navigon 2100 Portable GPS unit.

The auction is April 25th and 26th at Kennedy. Check the Kennedy website for more details.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Work Out With Kristen

Many of you know I have been working hard over the last several months to realize a life long dream of opening my own personal training studio. I am happy to report that LIFT is finally open for business! Thank you everyone for your continued support and patronage. Please visit our website at http://www.liftseattle.com/ or stop by next time you are in the Village. We are located at 3216 West Lynn Street right next door to Star Nails. Stay tuned for more information on upcoming events, studio specials and more.
See you soon.......
See you soon.......
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Your DVDs are Ready
If you haven't picked up or been handed your reunion DVD, you will be getting them in the mail soon!
Okay, maybe not soon-soon, but as soon as Steph and Toni get together and feel like sending them out instead of talking. Wait, that won't work either. Hmmm... You'll get them by the end of March!
If you paid for any day of the reunion, then you get a dvd.
$15 for anyone else. Email JFK87@toniandmike.com to coordinate
Rome & Dan F - Steph and Toni are footing the bill for yours so don't send us any money!
Okay, maybe not soon-soon, but as soon as Steph and Toni get together and feel like sending them out instead of talking. Wait, that won't work either. Hmmm... You'll get them by the end of March!
If you paid for any day of the reunion, then you get a dvd.
$15 for anyone else. Email JFK87@toniandmike.com to coordinate
Rome & Dan F - Steph and Toni are footing the bill for yours so don't send us any money!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
One Year
I was deleting some old stuff from my computer and I found that it has been one year since Kathleen Marth (from the Kennedy Development Office) asked me to start planning the reunion.
WOW! What a bizarre, chaotic and fun year it's been! I do love a bit of harmless chaos. So, thanks for being part of one of the weirdest years of my life!
WOW! What a bizarre, chaotic and fun year it's been! I do love a bit of harmless chaos. So, thanks for being part of one of the weirdest years of my life!
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