I thought this blog could use a little jump start! I was thinking of the "TOP 100 THINGS NOT TO SAY AT A CLASS REUNION". I will list a few, please add others! REMEMBER keep it clean and no personal shots! We dont want any hurt feelings!
Hey, were you a teacher in 1987?
Great! You're a Doctor! Would you mind looking at my rash?
So you're a VP.....Got any job openings?
My wife is out of town! How about dinner and breakfast!!
Hey, You still owe me beer money!
So...like after the reunion....could i crash on your couch?
Mark, this is a picture of my son. He's 20 and looks a lot like you! (kidding Nani)
No man! Teal corduroy pants are still cool!!
Ok, really! He never told you about me?
AND........Hey, I brought you those underwear you left a my house 20 years ago!
Ok, the rest is up to you! Please add to my list.