Well, for starters who knew I could sit on my couch with a glass of wine and type on my laptop and have people I went to high school 20 years ago read this as soon as I post it. Wild.
Things that have changed:
- instead of looking for pimples we're looking for gray hair
- the music today sounds horribly wrong and loud (was rap suppose to last this long). Although, a good song from the 80's like ADD IT UP could make you turn it up to 11. Were we able to listen to that song at school dances???
- we work, we rest and play if we have time. We played, sometimes worked and never rested.
- we had one phone number and we had everyone's memorized. now it's a lost art form to have a phone number in your head.
- a walkman had a cassette of one or two albums. Now you can carry your entire collection with you on the go.
- we had a half day of school to go to "The Fair". That doesn't happen in the real world.
- Starbuck's was a little coffee house in Pike Place Market that only people from Seattle knew about.
- what ever happen to California coolers?
- we had a dumb republican in office...oh wait, that hasn't change.
I'd love to hear about how you have or haven't changed. Heck, if you remember me, I'd just love to hear from you anyway.
Post comments and tell me to shut up, that's cool too. Oh yeah, Madonna...she still rocks. That hasn't changed.
I want dirt people!!! POST IT!
Email directly to say hi. Louloubox@mac.com Please put Hey Louie in the subject line so your mail doesn't go to my junk mail. Cheers. Louie
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Main Reunion Event Details
Thanks for your terrific feedback! Together with our own research, it turns out that not only is hosting at JFK more expensive - it's also a ton more work! So...
We will be having the main reunion event at Club Hollywood in the Red Crane Restaurant & Lounge, which occupies the entire top floor. There's also a casino downstairs, televisions everywhere, a dance floor, stage, piano, and our very own bar - so there's lots to do if you don't have classmates to catch up with (Ummmm, .... Spouse/Partners maybe)
We will be having the main reunion event at Club Hollywood in the Red Crane Restaurant & Lounge, which occupies the entire top floor. There's also a casino downstairs, televisions everywhere, a dance floor, stage, piano, and our very own bar - so there's lots to do if you don't have classmates to catch up with (Ummmm, .... Spouse/Partners maybe)
Saturday, August 4, 2007 - 6pm
Dress up or down, we are going for a less formal, cocktail-style mingling party.
Are welcome, bring those SOs (you'll need a DD anyway)
Dinner, Music, Classmate Band, pictures, take homes, loads of mingling.
We'll have the info to you by April 15.
Additional Website:
Share information, photos, contact classmates and more by visiting our reunion headquarters - www.jfk87.myevent.com
Note: We merged the concepts of Friday night with Saturday night dinner and came up with one big shin-dig at Club Hollywood. We'll have a less structured dinner (ie sit and eat wherever and whenever), a few organized announcements or shows, but mostly have everyone mingling and moving around. We are going to determine Friday night's "event" based on feedback from the reunion packets we send out in April.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
So did your life turn out like a John Hughes film?
Top 80's teen angst movies (not in any specific order):

- Say Anything - John Cusak standing there with the boombox playing "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel
- Breakfast Club - The geek, jock, princess, criminal and the wierd chick. Who did you identify with?
- Pretty in Pink - This had an awesome soundtrack! Pschedelic Furs, Simple Minds...
- Sixteen Candles - 'My name is Long Duck Dong...' That Jake was such a hottie.
- Risky Business - Way before Tom 'jumped the couch.'
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off - "Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?"
- Wierd Science - fess up, I bet you wore a bra on your head too :)
- Some Kind of Wonderful - The guy's version of Pretty in Pink
- Footloose - RIP Christopher Penn
- St Elmo's Fire - The Brat Pack
- Can't Buy Me Love - Dr. Mc Dreamy doing the African Aardvark dance.

Here are few "Reunion movies" to put on your Net Flix queue:
- Grosse Point Blank
- Romy & Michelle's Highschool Reunion
- The Big Chill
- Since You've Been Gone (this was a TV movie...)
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Mike McCullough is no Derek Orozco
Or is he?
Let's be honest, my research indicates that their superficial differences cancel. Therefore, you can indeed compare Mike and Derek, but the sum of differences equals the null set.
Note for those likely to be offended: I am in no way denigrading Mike's or Derek's talent as an actor.
Let's be honest, my research indicates that their superficial differences cancel. Therefore, you can indeed compare Mike and Derek, but the sum of differences equals the null set.
Note for those likely to be offended: I am in no way denigrading Mike's or Derek's talent as an actor.
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